Dr.SHIVA Challenges Elon Musk: Put UP or Shut UP!

1 year ago

In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, presents a critical review of Elon Musk's inaction to date on NOT dismantling the Government Censorship Portal which has been in place - and, is beyond the law - and violated the constitutional rights of America Citizens, exactly like the Telecom companies during the Bush Administration.

Dr. SHIVA demands that by this Friday, December 9, 2022 at 5:00 PM PST this Government Censorship Portal MUST BE SHUT DOWN, or ELON MUSK IS PROVED to BE A FRAUD, who sold his soul to the Government.

Dr. Shiva will also discuss his historic 2020 Federal lawsuit which can be found on WinBackFreedom.com

Dr. SHIVA's most recent innovation is the Truth Freedom Health® SYSTEM that is an educational, community, and technology platform that is enabling everyday people to become wiser and smarter - to think beyond Left & Right, "Pro-" and "Anti-" - by learning the SCIENCE OF SYSTEMS - to see events and things as they truly are to know the real problem to innovate the real solution.

To learn more about the Truth Freedom Health® System, visit vashiva.com/join or TruthFreedomHealth.com

If you would like to connect with Dr.SHIVA directly, RSVP to attend one of his Open Houses which take place this Thursday at 11am or 8PM EST by registering at: vashiva.com/orientation.

Be the Light!

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