What is the Best Probate Certification for Real Estate Agents?

1 year ago

1. Learn the probate process; in California, the best course is Paul Horn's CAR approved certification;

2. Get a certification to add to credibility when talking to families and attorneys.
There are several that will get you a bit of training and a logo you can put in your email. Here is a link to the list I have created, I would be glad to get feedback on any of them or additions I may have missed.

3. Learn how to build a business;
I am an affiliate with Chad Corbett's Probate Mastery, but I am because I think he is the best a teaching out to build a business in probate and most in alignment with my values. I also host his weekly mastermind call on Tuesdays at Noon PT. Here is my affiliate link: https://courses.magnumopusproject.com/billgross

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