Anna Karapetyan on Armenia's Rocky Relationship with the CSTO | Ep 180 - Dec 5, 2022

1 year ago

Armenia’s Rocky Relationship with the CSTO
A Conversation with Dr. Anna Karapetyan

* What’s Armenia’s Goal in pushing the CSTO in a direction that it won’t go?
* What Came Out of the CSTO Summit in Yerevan?
* What is the Level of Trust between the CSTO and Armenia?
* How should Armenian proceed in Relations with the CSTO?
* Does Armenia have Alternatives?

00:00 Intro
00:42 Intro to topic
00:54 Intro to guest Anna Karapetyan
01:29 What is Armenia’s goal in pushing the CSTO?
06:38 What was achieved at the Yerevan Summit?
07:35 On Lukashenko’s Rejection of Pashinyan
11:11 What’s the status of the unsigned summit declaration?
13:30 How should Armenia proceed with relations with the CSTO
17:29 Closing Comments

* Dr. Anna Karapetyan is the Director of the Insight Analytical Center for Applied Policy and Research. She has a PhD in political sciences, and is a lecturer at the Russian-Armenian University.

* Hovik Manucharyan TW/@HovikYerevan
* Asbed Bedrossian TW/@qubriq

Episode 180 | Recorded: December 5, 2022

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