Bad Dads : The High Cost of Lowlifes, Abusive and Absent Fathers

1 year ago

Bad dad's make sad lads. And lassie's....

As our society spins further and further out of control, collective sanity, always a myth, must be defined and established. Fingers point at everyone and everything, except the solution. And, as usual, that solution is hidden in plain sight. It is staring at us from every mirror. First, however, before we can understand ourselves, we must understand where we have come from.

A week or so ago we tackled the subject of toxic mom's, and in the interest of balance, and because relevance, we must also confront our fathers.

For tonight's Lightstream I will use my own experiences as a person than somehow managed to have an abusive father, and an absent one. Which was worse, is a tough call. What I do know is that it took me decades to exorcise demons that never belonged to me, all the while having to teach myself everything that a father would have if I had had one, I learned an awful lot. And it's not over. It's never over.

From repatterning learned behaviours, such as using fear to control my environment, with magic mushrooms, to acquiring basic financial literacy skills at 40, I will share my stories and the skills that I had to acquire in order to survive them, Aho!

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