The Roswell Report Case Closed by James McAndrew - FULL AUDIOBOOK

1 year ago


00:00:00 - 00 - Forward, Guide for Readers, and Introduction

00:10:02 - 01 - Flying Saucer Crashes and Alien Bodies, The 'Crash Sites,' Scenarios, and Research Methods

00:39:52 - 02 - High Altitude Balloon Dummy Drops

00:48:16 - 03 - High Altitude Balloon Operations

01:06:57 - 04 - Comparison of Witnesses Accounts to U.S. Air Force Activities

01:34:03 - 05 - Reports of Bodies at the Roswell AAF Hospital and The 'Missing' Nurse and the Pediatrician

02:06:48 - 06 - Aircraft Accidents

02:22:32 - 07 - High Altitude Research Projects

02:32:00 - 08 - Comparison of the Hospital Account to the Balloon Mishap

02:51:38 - 09 - Conclusion

02:58:05 - 10 - Appendix B - Witness Statements Part 1

03:24:41 - 11 - Appendix B - Witness Statements Part 2

03:57:20 - 12 - Appendix C - Interviews Part 1

04:26:00 - 13 - Appendix C - Interviews Part 2

05:04:48 - 14 - Appendix C - Interviews Part 3

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