07. What are the flaws in today’s society, with special guests The Hodge Twins.

2 years ago

How can you be free from modern slavery?

How often do we find ourselves slaves to our minds, jobs, society, standards, and so forth? On this episode of the Elliot Hulse podcast, the Hodge Twins join Uncle Yo in an elaborate conversation concerning the unsettling status of today’s society. The need for guidance and liberation from the moral corruption present is necessary to reach self-betterment. Still, they also dive into their own experiences and the decisions they’ve had to make to set themselves apart from the almost sinister aspects of society.

Some of the points covered in the video are:
•Physical strength and its correlation with masculinity.
•Understanding how African American culture, politics, mindset, and marginalization need to shift into an optimistic/advantageous demeanor.
•Acknowledging the consequences of your actions. The only person that is responsible for you is yourself—mental slavery.
•Beware of political manipulation. Make your thoughts independent and free from influence by developing your conclusions. Looks at the media instead of going to society’s “leaders.”
•The need for the presence of fatherhood and how it will cause direct betterment in society.

Connect with The Hodgetwins:

Meet Elliott Hulse http://www.elliotthulse.com
There Is A WAR On Masculinity: https://www.makemenstrongagain.com/
Join The King's Militia: http://www.kingsmilitia.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elliotthulse/

There Is A WAR On Masculinity: https://www.makemenstrongagain.com/

Join The King's Militia: http://www.kingsmilitia.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elliotthulse/

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