Infertility is SKYROCKETING - Discover why MEN & WOMEN must protect their testosterone | Mike Mutzel

2 years ago

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In this episode you’ll discover:
* The shocking statistics on declining fertility.
* How sperm motility rates are expected to change in the next few decades.
* Why endocrine disrupting chemicals are hurting our hormones.
* The importance of preconception planning and nutrition.
* Which specific foods you should eat organic, and why.
* Why filtered water is critical for hormonal health.
* How your cup of coffee could be exposing you to microplastics.
* What the contamination theory of obesity is.
* How microplastics disrupt the gut barrier and microbiome.
* The link between muscle mass and testosterone.
* How many steps per day is correlated with higher testosterone levels.
* Why you should aim to walk after a meal.
* How to encourage your children to walk more.
* What thermal stress is.
* The link between metabolism, osteoarthritis, and inflammation.
* What DHEA is, and when to utilize it.
* How hormonal birth control suppresses fertility.
* The importance of building muscle for overall health and vitality.

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