Meeting Mr.Perronne: 2 years of Covid and they still haven't understood anything

2 years ago

"Dear colleagues,

Following our meeting last week, I am happy to confirm the presence of Professor Dr Perronne at a conference to be held on Wednesday 19 October from 18h00 to 20h00 during the Strasbourg plenary session.

You will find his biography in the attachment.

The theme of the Conference: "2 years of Covid and they still haven't understood anything", the view of a renowned infectiologist and university professor who was chased away from his profession and from the media for having taken a more nuanced position on the vaccine and Covid: Why? How?

The room will be in the LOW building, WEISS R5.1 for 150 people."

// The sole liability for the opinions stated rests with the author. These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the European Parliament. //​​

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