Dundonians don’t dig drag dude’s defilement—and who took the Albanian children? - UK Column News

1 year ago


- Dundee Courier: Threats and abuse force DCA to cancel drag queen event due to safety concerns
- Background: Dr Bruce Scott’s UK Column article on Drag Queen Story Time phenomenon in Scotland (March 2020)
- Readers’ comments on the Courier news page:
- “Really quite staggering to promote this to toddlers”
- “Why are these men so eager to present a highly sexualised version of a woman to small children?”
- Curriculum Inquiry—Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood
Paper based on one of the pioneers of Drag Queen Story Time in the US, José Esteban Muñoz, offers the movement’s intellectual underpinning:
- “seek to actively destabilize the normative function of schooling”
- For detail: New Discourses podcast—Groomer Schools 4: Drag Queen Story Hour (YouTube mirror)
- BBC—Channel crossings: Dozens of Albanian child migrants go missing
- BBC—Channel crossings: 116 children missing from UK hotels
- Brian Gerrish commentary: An exact repeat of Syrian migration but apparently the authorities have no idea how it has happened again

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