9/11 - Bill Cooper's Full Prediction: The Illuminati Creating One World Government - June 28, 2001

2 years ago

This the best version of Bill Cooper's "9/11 NWO prediction" about a coming attack that would be blamed on Osama bin Laden.

The Illuminati killed him 2 months later on November 5th. Just like they killed the Director of "Gray State" who was making a movie about the Illuminati police state.



Bill cooper wrote a book (1991) ''Behold a pale Horse''. In his book he wrote who is the Elite (illimunati). In his book you can find ''the silent weapon report''. This is a war report. Everything what now happens you can find in that report.

Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Original Document Copy

Behold a Pale Horse - PDF

Silent Weapons for a Quiet War | Blueprint For Totalitarian Control

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