5Dec22 Trump says Twitter Censorship Justifies Suspending Constitution; Musk Takes a Dump on Twits with a Pile of Docs

1 year ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Trump, the Calvin Coolidge of Free Speech, says censorship on Twitter is grounds to suspend Constitution — gets over 71,000 likes on his platform

Trump suspended Constitution 998 days ago by Exec Order for "Covid Emergency"

Ironic that "Oath Keepers" going to jail for putting all their faith in a man who broke his oath to ALL his wives, broke his oath to the Constitution, and then left them to twist in the wind

Trump's statement allows Biden, FBI, and rogues gallery of former intel officials to pose as "defenders of the Constitution"

A quarter of the world's countries used "pandemic rules" to engage in religious persecution

After Friday's interview with Goattree talking about radiation safety concerns with earbuds, a listener with Safe Technology in Santa Clara, CA posted a test showing radiation levels on AirPods

Switzerland has plans to ban charging EV's as power grid goes wobbly

ATF has changed terms of gun control. "Worksheet 4099" shows how they will do GUN CONTROL BY BUREAUCRATIC DICTATE

TSA — nothing to show after 20 years. Internal TSA documents said in 2011 there was NO threat to airports or airplanes

Latest DHS bulletin is nothing other than malicious political disinformation campaign aimed at their political enemies

DeSantis appears to capitulate to Disney. Bob Iger long ago embraced political correctness. "Splash Mountain" ride based on "Song of the South", just one example

Musk takes a dump on the previous Twitter censors with a pile of documents. What did Matt Taibbi reveal from the "Twitter Files"?

BigTech & BigGov have been acting in a conspiracy against free speech and free press for over 4 years.

The Deep State is a deputized state -.

A personal example of shadow banning on Twitter, this weekend, and hiding ANY and ALL comments made in response to my tweets

If they would censor, more conservatives wouldn’t even think of using social media.

How Elon Musk became the richest man the world in history.

Elon Musk’s “green solution” for electric trucks.

Matt Taibbi’s statement at debate on BigMedia — exactly how they sold their soul (and the same applies to many in alt-right media)

CLIPS: Noam Chomsky clearly stated what freedom of speech is about. But if you look at his anti-vax statements, he does NOT support liberty

James Woods: Scratch a liberal and you will find a fascist every time (and I would say also a racist)

Zelensky adds religious persecution

We're not called to be passive and silent as Christians, but beware of being drawn into partisan alliances that invite political persecution

The new Supreme Court case about LGBT persecution of a woman who creates websites.

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