Covid–19 discussion still suppressed - UK Column News - 5th December 2022

1 year ago

- Vaccine Damage Bill: Sir Christopher Chope gets his day in Parliament
Friday 9 December is the day—encourage your MP to support the Bill
- Viewer’s tip: Facebook bans UK Column’s Adam Rowland interview
- Viewer’s tip: ABC (Australian public broadcaster): New South Wales government takes down ad offering empty hospital wards to TV and movie companies
Brian Gerrish commentary: The backstory must have been hospital staff telling journalists they had no better use for their facilities
- Better news—Daily Mail: Anti-vaxxer [sic] nurse who injected up to 8,600 elderly patients with saltwater instead of Covid vaccine walks free from court in Germany
- BBC: What is Strep A and what are the symptoms to look out for?
- Brian Gerrish commentary: Linked articles from this one, and further current BBC website screenshots, indicate the BBC is keen to localise and ramp up fear of streptococcus

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