ET Abduction by Out of Phase ETs not Ghosts?!?!?! #UFO #Alien #ET #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

2 years ago

ET Abduction by Out of Phase ETs not Ghosts?!?!?!

Proof: CCTV footage from unknown location by an insider

Not all the ETs are benevolent or are good to Human ET abductees... read about GRENADA TREATY below.
Human experiment on Earth have been wiped off, re-established and genetically re-engineered 62 times to be exact... what we are now is the latest genetic product.

There are 22 Genetic Experiments going on on Earth for a few million years now...

We believe ET Abductees are one of the star seeds or star children here on Earth... and might have been abducted on a regular basis and the infact might not remember anything... it is because EBE gives you a flash memory after this abduction event... there are at least a few million souls on Earth who don't belong to our solar system but in fact are from other star systems and have agreed to take birth on Earth so that they can be abducted by EBEs from their own soul group for the on going experiments... it's easier to skirt around a lot of galactic treaties and alliance regulations... may be you are one of those star seeds and they... the EBEs are trying to keep you, i.e. their specimen clean, off any Earthly pollutants which might jeopardize their experiment...

There are 67 Million Planets in our Milkyway Galaxy with Humans like us.
There is a SUPER FEDERATION COUNCIL which consists of 40 human like EBEs who have been running 22 genetic programs all over the Earth. Hence, even though modern science call all the races on Earth human beings, but we are not all Homo-Sapiens, but variations of homo-sapiens with genes mix from those respective EBE groups... Human experiment on Earth have been wiped off, re-established and genetically re-engineered 62 times to be exact (more evidences to follow in future posts). We have co-existed not only with Dinosaurs but along with/alongside the EBEs. Till date there are areas on Earth, if you try to trespass those forests, mountains, lakes or caves, you die or disappear for unknown reasons, those are the security protocols and measures in place by EBEs to keep us away from them and their establishments/cities on Earth. All of those facilities are either underground in humongous caverns inside the earth, a few of them are of the size of TX or they are underwater.

What happens to most ET Abductees when they are returned??
Usually when an abductee is returned along with a flash memory because of which they don't remember most of none... they are re-abducted by the black ops and the lower earth orbit space programs which are operated by the Air Force... they put you thru a gruesome chemical procedure(s) most of the times to retrieve the intel about those EBEs from your subconscious ... and it makes me mad, coz they torture people who are already messed up because of the EBE abductions... humans are treating fellow humans like animals or specimens... or, you might have been part of 20 and Back program (operational since 1980) as part of which you might have worked off-planet for 20 years and after the completion of the assignment they age regress you 20 years and plant you back exactly at the same time frame or timeline from where they extracted you, it sounds like a storyline of a sci-fi movie, but we have been using these technologies since early 60s...
And, moreover not all the abductions are EBE related, even to our utter surprise we have alliances off-planet with various EBE races who gave us the authorities to use their greys... the ILFs... and unfortunately Black Ops are actively using those for re-abducting the same abductees post EBE abductions... even there are crafts like TR-3As,TR-3Bs and X-47Bs which are ours... there are detailed posts along with evidences in the disclosure album...

What is 1954's GRENADA TREATY?
In February of 1954, President Eisenhower interrupts his vacation in Palm Springs to make a secret trip to Area 51 to meet two ETs and sign a treaty called GRENADA TREATY. He was forced into it and regretted his entire life. The treaty was the ETs can only work with the US, abduct some people but they will have to bring them back, they couldn't harm them and do anything with those people. And, they couldn't do anything else with any other country. And, very soon they found out that this wasn't happening, people weren't being returned and they were making deals with with Russia and China.

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