War on Cops!

2 years ago

Most people think the war on our police officers across the USA began in the Summer of 2020, but it was started by the left in 2008, those were the seeds that sprouted into today’s war on cops.


It is all about destabilizing our society and is meant to put fear in the hearts of average Americans. But these criminals forgot one thing, we are Americans! We are proud and free, we are armed to the teeth, and we will not stand by and watch these despotic inhuman snakes destroy everything our fathers and fore-fathers fought, bled, and died for. You can push freedom loving Americans so far and then you will see the ferocity of patriots who will stand and fight with force, if necessary!

Remember Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man who defended himself with an AR-15, which the gun grabbers falsely claim to be a weapon of war, or their favorite term…an assault weapon. Well, if we are redefining everything, let’s call an AR-15, an automatic hole puncher!

Kyle was rightfully acquitted and if not for an anti-gun corrupt prosecutor that case would never have been tried. This was a clear case of self-defense. If you have never read about the thugs he shot, they were despicable human beings, who were chasing Kyle and would have killed him if he had not at the last moment, used his weapon in self-defense.


Over the past few years there have been a rather small number of arrests which have ended with the suspect being shot by police. I noticed something, in every case the suspect resisted arrest and the ensuing struggle is when the suspect was injured or killed. Let’s point out one fact; we give police officers the power of arrest because we must have a civil society, when society breaks down due to lawlessness, we have chaos, which is exactly what the socialist-Marxists in our country want!

If a person feels they have been arrested on false pretenses, we have a system of justice that will address that. No citizen has a right to resist arrest, and that is why these suspects were killed or injured.

Washington is broken.
Here at Convention of States we have a solution as big as the problem.
An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to PROPOSE constitutional amendments.
These are our three, simple talking points.
1. Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government (including the president)
2. Limit the terms of office for federal officials
3. Limit the ability of Congress and the president to spend and waste our hard-earned
money, via a Balanced Budget Amendment
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