Putin on the Crimean bridge discussed the details of its restoration, drove a car along

2 years ago

On Monday, Putin arrived to the bridge and *personally drove across* while receiving a report from Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his visit to the Crimean bridge, discussed with workers the progress of the restoration of its section after the terrorist attack. Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin said that a unique approach was used to quickly restore the damaged canvas.

“The traffic was stopped for 12 hours... What was unique was that we usually push the bridge forward, but here we pushed it from the right side. And they did all this in 12 hours ... They worked until hours,” Khusnullin said.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, 500 people, 3 floating cranes, 4 barges, and 31 vehicles worked around the clock. Out of 55 days that the repairs took, 22 days were stormy. It became necessary to utilize unique technologies that made it possible to work from the ground when it was impossible to work from water. In addition, divers were involved in dismantling of collapsed parts, which made it possible to finish the work sooner.

Putin, in turn, offered to reward the workers who carried out the restoration work.
*Президент России Владимир Путин в ходе визита на Крымский мост обсудил с рабочими ход восстановления его участка после теракта. Вице-премьер Марат Хуснуллин рассказал, что для быстрейшего восстановления поврежденного полотна использовался уникальный подход.*

«По 12 часов останавливали движение... В чем была уникальность - мы обычно мост вперед надвигаем, а здесь мы надвинули с правой стороны. И все это сделали за 12 часов... Отработали до часов», - рассказал Хуснуллин.

Путин в свою очередь предложил наградить рабочих, проводивших восстановительные работы.
#Крымский_мост #damaged #dismantle #structures #ukraine #explosions #explosion #crimeabridge #crimeanbridge #crimea #kerchbridge #installation #replacement #traffic #vladimirputin
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