waking up a lost follower seeing through the veil

2 years ago

As the new energy flows into the system a Golden Ring of Light is encircling the Earth. This Gold Ring provides abundance, love, joy and happiness to everyone upon the planet. The Game is about WAKING UP. The Black Alliance would prefer that you stay in their Game and continue to be used and abused. The ones who are assisting the Earth raise their vibrations are called the Teachers of Light. They are ascended masters who are teaching through the Wayshowers who are communicating and helping the masses who are called the Followers.

The Wayshowers will be provided with funds and with energy to complete their Mission. In the practical realities of economics the money will be found through benefactors who are aligned with the higher plan for the Earth and will give their funds freely into the new economic systems which will bring forth abundance. These individuals are called Initiators. Once the first Initiator comes forth and brings wealth to the Wayshowers then the Game of the Gold Ring gets exciting. What happens next is direct seeding of funds into the families so they can experience economic prosperity and unlimited abundance. These families are being created by the Wayshowers

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