What are processed foods and why should you eliminate them?

1 year ago

Processed food is any food that has been altered in some way during preparation. This could involve adding preservatives, enhancers, sweeteners, or other additives to make the food last longer, taste better, or look more appealing. Processed foods are typically found in the center aisles of grocery stores and include items like canned vegetables or fruit, frozen dinners, snack foods, boxed dinners, and other convenience foods.

Processed foods have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and cost-effectiveness. They are often cheaper than their fresh counterparts and require little to no preparation. However, this convenience comes at a cost. Processed foods tend to be high in calories and low in nutrition, making them a poor choice for those looking to improve their health.

Processed foods also contain various additives that can be harmful to our health. These additives include chemical preservatives, artificial flavors, colors, and sweeteners. These additives can increase our risk of developing certain diseases and health conditions, such as obesity and diabetes.

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