Shining Ones Come Forth - The Eye of the Dragon

1 year ago

The Shining Ones Awaken - Galactic Peace - Alignment of Stars and Planets - Shining Ones Come Forth - The Eye of the Dragon and the Sting of the Scorpion. The Winds of Change grow stronger. Safe and Protected in the Higher Light. Speak the Truth. The swift sword of the truth of light. Major planetary change. The awakening sound of soul brings forth the Harmonic Coherence. It is time to become a Teacher of Light.
That which is known to the Pleadians, Sirians, Andromedans, the Arcturians)

In these times of change from an astrological point of view Jupiter is about to conjunct Pluto at the point of the Galactic Center. This is creating a laser like stream of intense focus that is the sword of light. The light will open the cosmic egg and allow creation to be fully born. The coming years of 2008 through 2011 are of momentous importance as there are numerous planetary alignments that will create the restructuring of civilization and a transition from the old way of control and dominance by transmutation of the dark into the light. To be wise is to have understanding and compassion and be in forgiveness in order to accept your own enlightenment. Focus within on your feelings of love, appreciation and gratitude and return to your core vision of all beings in oneness of divine purpose to enjoy the pleasure of life.

This time is crucial as you make choices as to what thoughts you are attracting and circumstances you promote. Choose what you want to have in your home. Choose wisely for creation manifests in seconds. As you now live everyday in the passage from the old to the new become selfless and serve in the higher light of wisdom and darkness will pass away and you will see again that we are the creators.

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