ለሸኔ እርድ ትእዛዝ ሰጪዎቹ ባለስልጣናት ገዳዮቹ እነ ሽመልስ ያሰለጠኗቸው ሚሊሻዎች ናቸው ሽመልስ አብዲሳ ከስልጣኑ መነሳት አለበት

1 year ago

The authorities who gave Shene/OLA orders for the ethnic based slaughter of civilians - The killers are militias trained by Shimels - Shimels Abdisa should be removed from his position, ASAP.

የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
Seyoum Teshome Gebreselasie
Account Number: 1000058300334

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