2 years ago

It’s way past time, that Americans woke up to 50 years of blatant treason, by the demon rats against the American people. They destroyed the real Bidens wife and family in 1972 or beforehand, taking out blue eyed solid faced “Plugs” Biden from his very home, and replacing him with a thin faced dark eyed imposter. who campaigned as Biden, was elected as Biden, usurped his position in his own family, pretending to be Biden, because for election, as in Obama’s case, it looked much better with children and a wife. I suspect Neilia may have objected, and that may well have led to her arranged demise. So, imposters from before day one. Surely no one could believe any thing was ever going to improve, from this sort of start in 1972. What happened to the real Biden, god only knows. There is not a single video on the planet of the real “Plugs” Biden Photos, are few and far between and are rapidly being expunged from the internet. 99.99999% of Americans, would not have the faintest idea, of what the real Biden even looked like.

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