Democratic fascism. Part 6

2 years ago

Democratic fascism. Part 6 🔗

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Part 4 here (
Part 5 here (

Britain and the US aren’t prepared to fight the 1.5 mln-strong Kwantung Army alone.
The brilliant Manchurian operation of the Red Army lasts 20 days and ends in complete victory.
Despite the fact that there was no military necessity, the U.S. drops nuclear bombs on Heroshima and Nagasaki. It was a showdown for the USSR.
The emaciated Soviet Union, which had lost 27 million people during WWII, became an easy target for the US.
In 1949, the Pentagon adopted a plan to destroy the USSR called "Dropshot".
300 atomic bombs on 100 Soviet cities, complete annihilation and erasure from the political map of the world.
Today, the U.S. gathers NATO countries under its banner against Russia, as during WWII, almost all of Europe united against the USSR.

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