Twitter Better? - Pro Life = War Crimes? - Hackers Attack Vatican

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Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Monday, December 5, 2022 – 3rd week Advent

INTRO – Twitter bombshell over the weekend... has Twitter really changed for the better? Michael Hichborn joins us.
And – Hillary Clinton compares pro-life movement to brutal Middle Eastern regimes, Russian war crimes
Also – Tito Edwards, - the Vatican was taken down by hackers?

Quick News -
- Police have confirmed the identities of both a retired Catholic priest and pastoral assistant whose bodies were discovered in Covington, Louisiana on Monday. Why did the suspect do this? To steel the car... Police believe the crime to be random.
- A Christian website designer is challenging a Colorado anti-discrimination law that prevents her from serving couples based on faith. The Supreme Court hears arguments in the case Monday, a case that includes high stakes for religious liberty and free speech.
- Women-led protests, labelled "riots" by the authorities, have swept Iran since the 22-year-old Iranian of Kurdish origin died in custody on September 16, three days after her arrest by the morality police in Tehran. Allegedly Iran has scrapped its morality police

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Guest Seg. - Michael Hichborn – Laponto Institute - The Twitter Bombshell and why it matters
- Musk is releasing behind the scenes communications
- Direct collaboration with Biden Admin, DNC, FBI, and other Democrats.... ALSO, the Trump admin.
Suppression of Hunter Biden laptop story
Conservatives targeted
Catholics... nothing has changed under Musk

2nd Guest Seg. -Tito Edwards –
- Hackers take down Vatican website
- Cupich takes down the Pieta

Joe Social Media
IG: @TheCatholicHack
Twitter: @Catholic_Hack
Facebook: Joe McClane
YouTube: Joe McClane

Rudy Social Media
IG: @ydursolrac
Youtube: Glad Trad Podcast

Adrian Social Media
IG: @ffonze
Twitter: @AdrianFonze
Facebook: Adrian Fonseca
YouTube: Adrian Fonseca
YouTube: Catholic Conversations

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