Why did China write off debts for 17 African countries?

2 years ago

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Why did China write off the debts of 17 African countries? Did China write off debts for 17 African countries?
Hello, friends. China announced it will recently announced that it will cancelinterest-free loans for 17 African countries . China is one of the world's biggest creditors in general and many African countries in particular. _23 interest-free loans to 17 African countries. China is one of the world's biggest creditors in general and many African countries in particular. _And transferred 10 billion USD from China to the countries of this continent through IMF reserve funds. Why is China acting in this manner?
In today's video, let's talk about. China contributes about 40 % of the global 40% , according to World Bank data .of the global economy, according to World Bank estimates.

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