8 Signs You Might Be Suffering From Complex PTSD

2 years ago

Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Complex PTSD or C-PTSD) is a type of PTSD that develops when a person experiences repeated, prolonged trauma or abuse. Complex PTSD symptoms are similar to other forms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). However, many people are often misdiagnosed as having a different condition.

If you are suffering from Complex PTSD, it's important that you know how to recognize the symptoms. For some people, CPTSD symptoms may be more obvious than others. You might have experienced trauma in your past and still have lingering issues with anxiety or depression. You might also struggle with panic attacks, flashbacks or frequent nightmares that prevent you from having the life you want to live.

Taking care of your mental health is important. If any of this sounds like what's going on with you right now, then it may be time to consider seeking treatment for C-PTSD.

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