December 4 2022

2 years ago

The Power of Prayer
Pastor Matt Haflett
Matt. 6:5-13 | Luke 11:1-4
The Lord’s Prayer

1. Hallowed be Your name…
• Hallowed – holy, perfect, set apart.
• He is the Great Creator of the universe. (Gen. 1:1)
• We acknowledge this with a sense of awe and reverence.
• Starting prayer by acknowledging who we are praying to can help direct your prayer.

2. Your kingdom come, Your will be done…
• He is the creator of all things; how could we ask to ignore His will?
• God’s ultimate will for us is better than anything that we could desire ourselves.
• God uses difficult situations to grow His kingdom and bless those who pray His will be done.

3. God’s will is a blessing for us.
• God is our Helper (Psalm 121:2, Luke 12:29-32)
• No matter the situation, it can be used for good. (Rom. 8:28)
• In a big world, God sees you (Matt. 10:28-31, Psalm 139:1-18)
• He sees you and He knows every circumstance of your life. Give Him the opportunity to show you
• Seek His will and watch Him take care.

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