Episode #8 The Bret Lueder Show with Special Guest 2LT Scott Bennett, Ph.D. Part I

2 years ago

In Part I of this two-part interview 2LT Scott Bennett. Ph.D. describes his book, Shell Game, where various major players within the Obama Administration were found to be financing terrorist activity against its own people through Union Bank of Switzerland. Also implicated in this scheme are Bennett's former employer Booz Allen Hamilton, US Central Command and the Clinton Foundation, among others. We discuss the failure of his chain of command to pay attention to and utilize Bennett's evidence, what might be the forces at work behind such a grand cover-up and get into 911, specific mind control techniques employed by government agencies against its own people and end with information about Gen Michael Flynn. www.shellgamewhistleblower.com, www.patreon.com/shellgame, armypsyop@outlook.com

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