Marketing is, what sales isn't

1 year ago

The markets perception, ties marketing actions to sales led growth, and No intent lead gen as the only form of marketing...

As we know, thats fundamentally flawed, as that is exactly what marketing should NOT be doing.

It comes down to positional awareness, and I hate to say it, but business acumen...

But getting the targeting right, the channels right, the compelling reason right, the content thats going to make it real for them... is marketing.

Closing the educated - created demand, is sales.

And then leading them through a buyer centric motion is sales.

Upselling, cross selling, opportunity spotting is sales.

We can probably dig out my posts and videos from 2016, 2017 where I was saying, the future of business will be a hybrid more senior person between demand marketing, at account level, with new business actions, to meet in the buying cycle, and then mutually tied agreeables for fruitful relationships for customer success.

But unfortunately as we know most of the time, that isn't what takes place in today's world.

But it should.

#ClosedCircuitSelling is one motion to create and capture demand, and remove abrasion from client acquisition pre and post sale. 

Utilising this framework, we build ecosystems for Done for you clients, removing the requirement for marketing, new business and key account management.

Demand + Outbound Actions = Revenue

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