Judgment and Future... Paganism, Rome, Antichrist and Millennium ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber

2 years ago

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Judgment & Future… The End of modern Paganism & The Kingdom of Peace

THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN Volume 8 – Chapter 46 to 49
Revealed from the Lord thru the Inner Word to Jacob Lorber

Chapter 46 – The judgment on paganism

The Lord says:

46,1. Now My old disciples said: “Lord and Master, You have promised us that, while we are here, You would tell us more about it. Thus, do it now, since it probably is now the best moment for it.”

46,2. I said: “When it is the best moment, I surely will know best. And besides, I already have told you a lot about it, what will certainly also happen, for I may change nothing to the free will of man – and you cannot change it also.

46,3. However, with My birth, the judgment of the heathens has already begun everywhere. It now continues increasingly and will still continue for almost 2.000 years until the full light among the people on this Earth.

46,4. As you can see now in the morning sky how all kinds of clouds are forming and are piling up at the horizon as if they want to stop the rising of the sun, so also great numbers of all kinds of obstructing clouds will rise up sky high against the coming great rise of the eternal and spiritual sun of truth, and will do great harm among the people. But they finally will not be able to stop the great rise of the sun of truth.

46,5. You just have seen many beautiful stars shining in the sky, and also in the west you have seen stars that were glittering deep into the night. Look, these preceded as good messengers the still visible messengers of the morning and worked during the night. And that is now your task.

46,6. However, when brighter morning messengers will come up at the spiritual morning horizon, then this will be a sign that the great and general sun of life and truth will soon follow. Its very bright light will be a relentless judgment for all lies and deceit that together with its followers and worshippers and its great worldly pomp will be slung into the abyss of contempt, righteous wrath and forgetfulness. For then, the enlightened people will not think back anymore about the deceit and the judgment that lasted so long.

46,7. But already now you can observe quite well that the mass of clouds that looked so threatening black is having golden edges that are lightening up. So you also will notice during that time that the people who shortly before were still totally dark and true enemies of the light of truth, are from all sides more and more enlightened and are becoming brighter by the light rays of the truth. And further also, radiating themselves, they become enemies of the old lie. And such enlightening by the sun of truth out of the Heavens which is drawing near to its full rise, will be My sign of the Son of Man for all true people on Earth and the beginning of the great judgment on the harlot of the new Babylon.

46,8. Then those who love the truth will burst out for joy and will praise Me, for I already have sent them before the sign of My rise at the sky of the inner spiritual day. But the enemies of the truth will start to wail and gnash their teeth, and they will – as far as this will still be somehow possible – try to hide themselves into dark corners, together with their continuously decreasing number of followers, which will however be of no use to them, because when at that time the full sun of truth will have risen, its light will totally enlighten all dark corners and holes, and the enemies of the light will no more find, nowhere on the whole Earth a place of refuge.

46,9. I Myself will however be in that sun as the eternal Truth, and by means of its light I will be ruler and leader of the people’s life and of their temporary, spiritual and eternal destiny.

46,10. And by this I have shown you now the full and well understandable truth about the great judgment of the new and the old paganism. But for the sake of the people I will give you another image that you also can tell the people, but not without the right explanation. Let us now quietly continue to view this morning scene.”
Chapter 47 – The future of Rome and of the antichrist

47,1. After about a quarter of an hour when we all were looking with great interest at the morning scenes, I said again to those who were present: “Be attentive now to all the images that will appear before the full rise of the sun, because I want that you also will see with your eyes how everything will develop during the last time of the new paganism.”

47,2. Now all of them were turning their eyes with doubled attention to the east. It was still quite half an hour before the full sunrise, and thus still many images could develop before the eyes of the disciples who were watching.

47,3. Firstly one could see in the distance a thick and completely black mist arising from the horizon. When this had reached about 7 times the height of the faraway mountain range at the horizon, it soon seemed to glow, because countless flashes of lightning were shooting through it, so that all those who were present, thought that a terrible storm was now raging there.

47,4. However, I said: “You may worry about something else, for apart from us, no one can see anything of this phenomenon.”

47,5. Then they all continued to look on to see what else would follow.

47,6. And look, on the upper black edge of the mass of mist that was completely glowing by the many lightning appeared a big city.

47,7. And I said: “Look at the image of the new Babylon.”

47,8. Then Agricola said: “Lord, that looks very much like Rome. I merely can see a great number of ruins around the city, and in the city itself, besides those buildings that I know very well, there are also a great number of new buildings and temples of which the front is strangely decorated with crosses. What does all that mean?”

47,9. I said: “Look, that is the fall of the old and at the same time the beginning of the new paganism. Already within approximately 500 to 600 years, counted from now on, this is how it literally will look. However, keep on looking at the image now.”

47,10. Again all of them were looking attentively at the image of which the scenes were quickly developing one after another. And look, one could see great migrations of the nations and many fierce battles and wars, and in the middle of the city one could see something that was arising as high as a mountain. On the mountain stood a high and big throne that looked like as if it was made of glowing gold. On the throne sat a ruler with a triple crown on the head and with a staff of which the top end was decorated with a triple cross. Out of his mouth came countless arrows, and out of his eyes and out of his chest countless flashes of lightning of anger and very great pride was also shooting out. And kings came to him of whom many bowed deeply before him. He looked friendly at those who were bowing like that before him and he confirmed their power, but those who did not bow before him were persecuted and greatly harmed by his arrows and lightning.

47,11. Now Agricola said: “Lord, this does not look too good for the later rulers over the new Babylon. It seems that their power will be greater but also much more cruel than it is now. Because now, only the worst criminals are punished with the cross, but only with a single cross, but he there is actually holding before all kings not less than a triple cross in his ruling hand. Lord and Master, do explain this somehow to us.”

47,12. I said: “This does not represent a special ruler over many nations and people, but only the visible personality of the antichrist. That triple cross stands for My teaching, which during that time will be imposed triply falsified before the kings and their people. False in the word, false in the truth and false in the real application of it.

47,13. However, the kings who do not bow before him and whom he curses are those who are still more or less possessing the truth of the old teaching. His arrows and lightning are indeed reaching them, but these cannot do much harm to them. But continue to look at the image, for I only can show you therein the most important moments.”

47,14. Now all continued to look on with great attention.

47,15. (The Lord): “Look, many kings, who earlier bowed very deeply before the one who sits on the throne, are gathering their armies and are marching against him. Look, it leads to an embittered battle, and his exalted throne is sinking already quite a long way down completely into the city, and you only can see a few kings who so to say are only bowing before him for form’s sake while now there are a lot of arrows and lightning that are send back by the many other kings who have become unfaithful to him. But now, almost nothing can be seen of him, and this will happen after 1.000 to 1.500 to 1.600 and 1.700 years.

47,16. But look again now. Look, he is trying to exalt himself once more, surrounded by black gangs, and a few kings are stretching out their hand to help him, but look, those who are doing that are soon becoming powerless, and their nations are pulling off the crowns from their heads and are giving them to the strong kings. And look. Now his throne sinks down, and the strong kings are hurrying towards the place and are dividing it up into several pieces. And so, all his might, pride and greatness is going to ruin. Although he still slings arrows and weak lightning all around him, but those are harming no one anymore because most of the time they are returning to him and are injuring him and his weak and dark troops.
Chapter 48 – About the 1.000-year Kingdom

48,1. But you can see now that the sun is already penetrating everything with its light, and you can see the dark troops fleeing in all directions, but not to the place from where the sun is coming. Everything disappears now for its light and sinks into the kingdom of forgetfulness.

48,2. But look now again, then you can see how out of the little clouds a new Earth is developing. What do those little clouds mean? Those are the people who have united together who are totally enlightened by the godly truth. And look, now these communities are coming closer and closer to one another and in this way they are forming one great community. That is the new Earth above which a new Heaven is spreading out with full light and clearness.

48,3. You must however not think that by that this natural Earth will perish and would be changed into a new one, but only the people will create with each other in My name a new spiritual Earth, because they are accepting completely the godly truth as true brothers and sisters.

48,4. Then I Myself will be and rule on this new Earth among those who are Mine, and they will fellowship with Me and will never more lose sight of Me.

48,5. But now look in the mean time also to the old Earth. See how from the new Earth more and more dense streams of lights are floating downwards to the old Earth, and so they are igniting it in such a way that it looks like to be in a blaze. There you can see a lot of dead people who are coming as it were out of their graves and are going to the light. See how they soon are clothed with the garment of truth and are then floating upwards to the Kingdom of the new Earth.

48,6. But at the same time you can notice also that still a very great dark part of it is also making effort to put on the garment of light above their black garment to make from it and with it again a new anti-Christian paganism out of self-interest and lust of power. But I Myself am letting My wrath – that means the fire of My truth – to break loose, and My angels of the new Earth are throwing themselves as it were with flaming swords on them and are chasing every further dark attempt on the run into the abyss of total destruction.

48,7. This is the very last and greatest judgment, 1.000 years later. That time will be called My 1.000 year Kingdom on Earth, which will be once more interrupted by war for a very short time by this very last judgment. But the victory will be quick and complete for all future times. From that time on there will be for the Heavens and the Earth one Shepherd and one flock. The Shepherd will be, as always, Me, and the flock will consist of the people on Earth, completely united with the blessed ones in My Heavens.

48,8. These last mentioned ones will fellowship visibly with the people on Earth, just like it was before during the ancient times of the people on this Earth. But before that will happen, also the natural Earth will experience very drastic changes. Big countries and kingdoms, which are now still covered by the great and deep sea, will be lifted up as very fertile soil, and many mountains that are still high now will be lowered. Their tops that are crumbled off will fill up a great number of deep canyons and valleys and produce fertile land.

48,9. Since the people during that time will no more covet nor pursue perishable treasures, 100.000 times as many people as now will be able to live very well provided and happy on Earth. Together with that, every evil disease that tortures the flesh terribly will during that time also disappear from the Earth. The people will cheerfully reach a high age and will be able to do a lot of good works, and nobody will be afraid for the death of the body for he will see clearly before his eyes the eternal life of the soul.

48,10. By the performance of good works it will be essential during that time that the children will be educated in the right way and that the one who is physically strong will sustain the weak elderly people as much as he can.

48,11. On the new happy Earth there will also be marriages, but only according to My order as it is the case in Heaven, and also a great number of children will be begotten, but not by way of pure lewdness but by way of the true earnest of love, and this until the end of all times of this Earth.

48,12. Here you have now a true image of the last judgment over all the heathens on the whole Earth, which is also very easy for you to understand.”
Chapter 49 – The mission of God’s children in the beyond. The duration of existence of the Earth

49,1. Now the disciples asked Me: “Lord and Master. Will we be able to join to see and experience all this from the Kingdom of spirits? And how long will the happy Earth still continue to exist after that time till the complete end of its times?”

49,2. I said: “Concerning your first question, it is of course obvious that you not only will be able to see, hear and feel all this very clearly from the Heavens, but then and for all times you also will be the most important leaders, and not only on the new Earth but also over the whole great Man of Creation and over all infinite many unions of all Heavens, which are limited nowhere throughout eternity.

49,3. Therefore, I say to you once more that no human being has ever seen or heard, and that the spirit of no human being has ever experienced what God has prepared for those who truly love Him.

49,4. I still could tell and also show you many things but you cannot yet bear it now. However, when the Spirit of all truth and all life will come over you and you will be reborn into it, it will guide you into all depths of My light and will exalt you. Only then you will understand and perceive what great words I have spoken now to you, and through you, also to all human beings.

49,5. Concerning your second question, this is still quite silly, for our arithmetic has no figure by which one could express the more than many earthly years that will last until the end of the Earth. And even if that would be possible, this will make absolutely no difference for him who will continue to exist eternally in the spirit.

49,6. I say to all of you: of such an eventual appointed time and hour not even an angel in Heaven knows anything about it. Only the Father in Heaven knows. Because the whole creation is His greatest thought, which is however not a thought of time but it is an eternal thought, and at the same time He is the almighty carrier and preserver of it. Recently I have told you that finally all the material will be changed – but as independent being – into something purely spiritual. And so it is no more necessary to tell you anything more about it.

49,7. But rather look now at the beautiful nature at the beginning of the day, and see how the increasing intensity of the light of the sun is chasing away all the haze and darkness of the Earth, and learn from this that this will also be your work in future times, and this will be better for you than to inform too zealously after things which by far are not your concern now.

49,8. Very often I have shown you already many things about which you should be concerned. About all the rest you should not be concerned in the least. Yes, I say to you that it is even useless and fruitless – if in your faith and love you are really devoted to Me – to worry about the coming day, what you will eat and drink and with what you will clothe your body.

49,9. Does one not receive 100 sparrows for 1 penny on the market? Thus, how small is the value for the people, and nevertheless the Father in Heaven takes care of them and clothes them. You as human beings are surely more valuable than those sparrows.

49,10. See those flowers of the field and the lilies. In his entire luster, Salomon was not clothed that beautiful as they are. And who is the One who cares for their garment? Therefore, all such worries from your side are fruitless, and even more fruitless are the worries about the future complete end of times of this Earth. Did you all understand this well now?”

49,11. All of them except Judas Iscariot assent to it. He thought that it was not completely clear to him what I had predicted on the mountain about the last judgment of the heathens.

49,12. I said however to him: “Go to those to whom it has become clear. What the Romans and gentiles were able to understand, should be for you as Jew and as old disciple certainly be understandable.”

49,13. On this, he said nothing anymore and withdrew again, for he had noticed why I had given him such an answer.

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