*Aspirin *Advil *Tylenol prevent certain enzymes that produce inflammation fever and signal pain ¿

2 years ago

so childrens tylenol for pathogen infection is the wrong route. Depletion of glutathione is the exact opposite of what of what u want . mild pain enzyme blocker with no anti inflammatory action is the opposite of science.


SIDE NOTE DOCTORS DONT KNOW WHAT T2 is had fun with this and medical doctors lose their minds as they look incompetent

A fever fights infection by helping immune cells to crawl along blood-vessel walls to attack invading microbes. ( nature medical publications)

However, Tylenol does carry the risk of liver damage and glutathione depletion, especially if overused or used alongside alcohol. Maintaining good levels of antioxidants helps the body process acetaminophen with ease and could possibly reduce side effects.Sept 3, 2022

when you interfere with the bodys fighting action You do more damage then good. these meds are for particular uses at particular times . Its not to shut you kid up bc you really dont want to deal with that right NOW

Prostaglandins are a group of lipids with hormone-like actions that your body makes primarily at sites of tissue damage or infection. There are several different types of prostaglandins, and they play several essential roles in regulating bodily processes, including: Blood clot formation at the site of an injury.prostaglandins
any of a group of compounds with varying hormone-like effects, notably the promotion of uterine contractions. They are cyclic fatty acids.

inflammation and fever is a body process to heal itself .

it is only dangerous if it exceeds a certain limit due to temperature causing damage as this process gets out of control.

tylenol is more a neurotransmitters problem solver

all three groups are different




remember this is a temporary band-aid which is suppose to be used to diagnose the roit cause and solve it

whenever you add chemicals to your body byproducts are made and that must be excreted

to much of any of this causes a saturation and a overlaod thus creating more problems then it has solved

These non steriod anti inflammatory drugs are not true pain killers

corticosteroids on the other hand surpress the immune system lowering inflammation

hope you all can see the issues with all of these

they are all used temporarily to solve the root cause . they are not a cure

in certain situations stopping what your body is trying to do naturally will create more issues then it solves

a good health working body will handle all situations on its own

the problem comes when our bodies dont work right due to many reasons mostly created by us due to corporate greed and mass consumerism ideology



tension headaches

Neurotransmitters issues


Serotonin is a chemical necessary for communication between nerve cells. It can cause narrowing of blood vessels throughout the body. When serotonin or estrogen levels change, the result for some is a migraine.

Acute inflammation is how your body fights infections and helps speed up the healing process," says Dr. Shmerling. "In this way, inflammation is good because it protects the body." This process works the same if you have a virus like a cold or the flu.Apr 1, 2020



so always fighting the bodies process in healing isnt beneficial in the long run

temporary relief for longer term issues isnt winning


Ibuprofen is a peripherally acting analgesic. Ibuprofen does not have any known effects on opiate receptors.

signs of a degenerate doctor who is unqualified

diffential diagnosis

1. Mental health
2. stress
3. allergies

if your doctor uses these scapegoats he\she is totally

also if they promote a fully synthetic single strand polynucleotide inoculation they should not be in medicine or hold anything above a college diploma

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