A Christmas Tale of Marilyn and Elvis

2 years ago

In 1956 Marilyn Monroe was a famous movie star, and Elvis Presley came to Hollywood for the first time to star in Love Me Tender... The meeting of the Hollywood Goddess and the King of Rock 'n' Roll still tugs at the imagination of their fans all over the world...

There is a myth that there was an intimate relationship between the king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley, and the famous actress Marilyn Monroe. Byron Raphael, an employee of the famous Hollywood movie star agency, wrote about it in his memoirs.

In 1956, Presley, then only 21, came to Hollywood for the first time to star in Love me tender. A producer told him that it would be a great advertisement if he hit on the 30-year-old, more famous Monroe. Presley agreed, and when he saw Marilyn on the set, he approached her and firmly proposed a night of lovemaking. "It's now or never!" Byron Raphael relays his words. However, Marilyn told him, "Go to the one who sent you!"...

On Christmas Eve, everyone loves magical stories. Today I also allowed myself to fantasize about a date of Marilyn and Elvis... How it might have been like on Christmas of 1956. I think they could have sung these songs to each other and admired each other's talents... And just fall in love with each other a little bit... At least once in a lifetime...

May Christmas bring a true miracle and may your dreams come true!
I wish that to everyone who watches this video from the beginning to the end and remembers our favorite idols!
May God bless you!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
With love, Millenа Rose

The MARILYN MONROE BLOG https://marilynmonroevideos.blogspot....

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#lovestory #lovesongs #dreamscometrue #romance #dreams #fantasies #christmasvibes #positivevibes

Intro/autro by Kevin Macleod
Jingle Bells Rock – Royalty Free Music
Dreams – Bahia Lounge

Excerpts from the songs:
Elvis Presley - It’s now or never
Marilyn Monroe – After you get what you want
Elvis Presley – Don’t be cruel
Marilyn Monroe – River Of No Return
Elvis Presley – Anyone could fall in love with you
Marilyn Monroe – Kiss me
Elvis Presley – Love me tender
Marilyn Monroe – I found a dream
Elvis Presley - Can't help falling in love with you

Fragments from the movies:

Clash by Night is a 1952 American film noir drama directed by Fritz Lang and starring Barbara Stanwyck, Paul Douglas, Robert Ryan, Marilyn Monroe and Keith Andes.

Fun in Acapulco is a 1963 American musical comedy film starring Elvis Presley and Ursula Andress.

There's No Business Like Show Business is a 1954 American musical comedy-drama film directed by Walter Lang.

River of No Return is a 1954 American Western film directed by Otto Preminger and starring Robert Mitchum and Marilyn Monroe.

Niagara is a 1953 American film-noir thriller directed by Henry Hathaway, produced by Charles Brackett.

Love Me Tender is a 1956 American musical Western film directed by Robert D. Webb, and released by 20th Century Fox on November 15, 1956.

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