31/3/21 Yellowstone will tremble, San Andreas fault to shake, Locusts to spread

1 year ago

31/3/2021 (Timothy Dixon Prophecy 13) - some false prophecies here....don't through the baby out with the bath water....
Judges will lead. A revival of justice.
I’ll cause floods through the mountains/
There will be floods throughout the world
In America, In Indonesia, In India…
There will be riots in Oregan.
I shall bring Donald Trump back to the White House. (in a few days - false)
You’ll hear of tremors and sounds in the earth where have not heard or seen them before.
The locusts are coming through America.
They will ravish different crops and lands.
The governor of Georgia has heard my voice.
I’ll cause the volcanoes to errupt.
Yellowstone will shake and erupt in small measures.
I’ll cause earthquakes to spread through the San Andreas fault line.

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