Brazil: The many victims of judicial tyranny - UK Column News - 30th November 2022

1 year ago


- General Braga Netto calls Alexandre de Moraes' orders from the Supreme Court and Electoral Tribunal a "dictatorship of the judiciary"
- Met the other military service chiefs and outgoing President Jair Bolsonaro regarding alleged electoral fraud in favour of Bolsonaro's rival Lula
- Clip: Reel of those already arrested, detained, held under house arrest, fined or denied their Internet platforms by de Moraes' courts for questioning the validity of the Brazilian election
- Bolsonaro says he is "ready for war" but will not act without a popular mandate; speaks of a "new class of thief that has appeared, that want to steal our freedom"
- Translator (viewer of UK Column) stresses constitutionality and lawfulness of Bolsonaro's supporters and deplores European mainstream media's fake news about life in Brazil
- Clip: Guardian Council (Conselho Tutelar) judicial tyrants attempt to steal children from street protestors in Maceió on 18 November; are repelled

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