Triple shield, the bogus concern for children's online safety - UK Column News - 30th November 2022

1 year ago


- The All-New Online Safety Bill
- Daily Telegraph: Social media giants face multi-million pound fines if they fail to ban child accounts
—Halfway down the page, we discover it has largely been written by UK Digital Secretary of State Michelle Donelan
- Graphic on screen: Two shields with adults in mind (greater control; freedom of speech) and one for platforms (accountability)
- Mike Robinson analysis: So the "legal but harmful" proviso will still be there—just in the platforms' small print, on pain of a 10% turnover fine
- Alex Thomson commentary: Intent to cause harm (mens rea) is being hollowed out in court—it now means a strawman might have been a bit upset
- With impeccable timing to help the Bill, BBC's "disinformation specialist" Marianna Spring touts "the terrible consequences of legal but harmful content online"
- Alex Thomson commentary: Has everybody forgotten John Milton's Areopagitica, the definitive case for freedom of the press?
- Reclaim The Net: Canadian MP Lisa Hepfner says there's no such thing as an online outlet
[Every news organisation that is internet-only is] not gathering news. They're publishing opinion only.
- Viewers make the case for UK Column being more than pirate opinion merchants:
- UK Column tracked the fear operation in real time.
What do you mean by [UK Column being] "right on so many things"?
- Alex Thomson commentary: The regulated press was silent on the control menace of digital identity and the suffering inflicted by Covid policy when UK Column reported these evident truths 
- Incredible how spot on with your analysis you were from the outset! I think the significance of the [March 2020 UK health authorities'] downgrading [of Covid] from a high-consequence infectious disease, four days before the UK was locked down, coupled with the acknowledged infection fatality rate of 0.096%[,] are unfortunately not remembered/known anywh[ere] near enough.
- Andy Hewitt
You have to be outside of the UK to realise how much we are all manipulated by the media[.] We are constantly lied to, yet we are given this impression that we are above any repercussion for the actions our elected politicians take. The world order has been changed.
— Exactly[.] Listen to UK Column News[;] that's where the truth is.

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