Are We Limitless?

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Ever seen the movie limitless? It's about a guy who discovers a "Secret drug" that allows him to use 100% of his brain. He becomes a super genius. It's a good movie!


But isn't it interesting that we only expect humans to have "super powers" or be "limitless" in films.


Why not in real life?


I mean, if the intelligent force that created the cosmos, nature, and all of us... is ALL POWERFUL... shouldn't we be?


So... that begs the question. Has there been a mistake of some kind? Did the creator get the wrong order when he made humanity? OR... are we in fact FAR more powerful than we realise... and we just simply forgot?


And if we forgot - How did we forget? Why did we forget?


And if THAT IS the case... how do we remember our TRUE power?

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