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2 years ago



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  • Me and my baby love the intro song 💛💛💛 and he doesn’t like all music 😩 Shalom, and blessings 🌟

  • we'll see you Sunday in Jesus name

  • I left this message for David Herzog a revivalist and I need to share it with others. "The reason for me contacting you is to tell you about what has happened to me supernaturally. Surprise, it wasn't I lost weight, it was I became supernaturally obese!!!! I did not attend any of your revivals, I found you after I had already been suffering due to other people becoming supernaturally skinny. The people I was aware of who were doing it out rightly new Satan's Little helper was doing it for them. Satan's little helper is the little horn, the man of perdition, the guy who pretends he's God and Jesus and YOU'VE BEEN TALKING TO HIM WHILE HE PROCLAIMED HIMSELF TO BE GOD!! I found you two years ago after several years of being slaved due to people who became supernaturally skinny. Myself and a dozen other friends and family became supernaturally obese and we have been held hostage to other people's obesity giving us no choice to either lose somebody else's body fat or stare at it. I haven't come across any of the victims to what you are calling a modern-day miracle but I assure you there are other people who are victims like me and my friends and family members. There is no such thing as skinniness being a miracle because gluttony is a sin. When you make someone lose weight supernaturally, someone else becomes obese supernaturally and has nobody to turn to or tell. I forgot to mention I've been going bald, that's another thing that will never be a supernatural miracle. I have been losing my hair for 6 years only to find out that you are making men and women regain hair while billions of people globally are losing their hair. How blind of you to not notice all the women suddenly having hair loss everywhere! I tried to warn you two years ago but Satan's Little helper was hell-bent on pretending he was God a little more. I'm attempting to warn you again because my purpose in this world was to serve the Lord's needs in the appointed hour. I am important to our Lord and the do

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  • Be on the lookout for FIVE figures that are described in Revelation: (1) The Red Dragon/Antichrist, (2) the First Beast, (3) the Second Beast, (4) the False Prophet, (5) the Whore of Babylon. The most likely candidates: (1) Donald Trump (2) Barack Obama -- he is a clone with 7 heads/copies, and an 8th copy which will be destroyed (3) Jared Kushner, (4) Pope Francis, (5) Taylor Swift. The NAR ("New Apostolic Reformation") is based on what they call the "FIVE-FOLD Ministry". Not a coincidence. In the near future, either during a staged debate or inauguration, they are going to perform a mock resurrection. Obama is going to receive a "mortal head wound" by sacrificing himself to "save" Trump from the attacker, and he'll be "miraculously" resurrected (a clone-swap via traditional trap-door stage magic most likely). Jared Kushner, Trump's "senior advisor" and son-in-law, will demand that all worship Obama, because Trump will give Obama all his authority. It is quite funny that Trump self-identifies as a Presbyterian. Historically, the "Holy See" has been the arbiter in authenticating miracles, so Pope Francis will legitimize the false resurrection. As for Taylor Swift, the whore of Babylon (America), she has been a VERY outspoken supporter of Obama. She is the scarlet whore that "rides" the beast. The mark of the beast will be the digital RFID embedded in every man, woman and child, without which nobody can buy or sell anything. The evil genius of Trump lies in the fact that HE will rule by PROXY through Obama, who is not only a clone, but a CYBORG connected to the "Internet of Things", including the computers that run DEW (directed energy weapons). That is the technology which will permit him to bring fire down from the sky. And because he has 7 heads/clones, he can perform the miracle of bilocation. Check this out ----------> https://coverjunkie.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1289931572.jpg

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  • Jesus are you there? Lord please give me strength keep these evil suicidal thought’s away. Take my stress and depression so I can be at peace, Amen. To anyone reading this , My name is Moses 40 years old and I’m at my lowest point in life .. If anyone can help please do and if not just pray for me. https://gofund.me/60d31c25