1 year ago

Sellers, the party is over!!! 🍾🥂🎉🥳

The days of overpricing your listing, with a home in any condition is over!

This is not to say you missed the boat on a strong sellers market. Lack of inventory is keeping this is sellers market afloat.

But let’s face it, with rising inflation, and rising interest rates, some buyers are being forced out of the market. Less buyers, means less showings, which equals less offers!

Sellers It’s back to the basics!

Pricing and marketing matters.
Review market analysis with your listing agent and review the three sold properties they will be sharing with an appraiser.

Condition! Eliminate as many of the potential obstacles, that buyer or home inspector may find.

If a house is vacant, or some rooms are empty, strongly consider professional staging!

Make sure you’re hiring an agent or a team that has the marketing experience and has been through not only the good times, but the bad times as well!

#housing #connecticut #realest

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