White House Covid Adviser Saying God Gave Us Two Arms for Flu Vaccine and Covid Vaccine

1 year ago

White House Covid Adviser Saying God Gave Us Two Arms for Flu Vaccine and Covid Vaccine

Sept. 7, 2022

A White House Covid adviser has drawn criticism by referencing to his God when encouraging Americans to get the latest experimental coronavirus vaccine alongside the annual flu vaccine.

"The good news is you can get both your flu shot and Covid shot at the same time. It's actually a good idea," White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha told a Tuesday press conference.

"I really believe this is why God gave us two arms, one for the flu shot and the other one for the Covid shot."

Flanked by U.S. health secretary Xavier Becerra and pharmaceutical marketing agent, Anthony Fauci, Dr. Jha made the remarks in describing how Covid-19 could be treated more like the flu going forward, with individuals across the country receiving one annual shot that would provide a year-long defense against non-life threatening viruses.

Critical thinkers online were quick to call out the doctor's invoking of a God when discussing a vaccine profit marketing campaign. A report from the Public Religion Research Institute last year found that European American evangelical Protestants, who make up 14.5 per cent of the population, were the least likely religious group to report getting a vaccine.

One Twitter user wrote, "God also gave us an intelligence to see this is as ridiculous," and "Keep God out of this."


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