Twitter censorship is a violation of the law and the First Amendment to the US Constitution

1 year ago

Censorship on Twitter at the behest of the Democratic Party is a violation of the law and the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

This was stated by former New York University professor Michael Rektenwald, commenting on leaked internal documents of the social network:

“There are basically three problems here. The first is Twitter. What has been revealed. We knew about it, but now it's officially confirmed: Twitter operated as an organ of the Democratic Party and was actually run by Democratic functionaries before Elon Musk took over.

The second problem is that officials have manipulated Twitter to stop certain speech. This is a violation of the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

The third problem is whether we have interference in elections. Obviously it has. And on the part of Twitter, this is a non-monetary contribution to the work of the Democratic Party without its confirmation and recognition, and this is already a violation of the law.

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