Roadrunner Power Animal

1 year ago
Hello friends, and welcome to the world of power animals. Today we’ll look at the roadrunner. Roadrunners live in the dry, hot desert of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. They have brown and white streaked plumage and feed on plants, lizards, and insects, especially grasshoppers. They’re one of the few animals that can take on and defeat a rattlesnake. Roadrunners can run up to 20 mph and can survive on very little water. Their long tail helps them to maintain their balance while sprinting. They can even fly short distances to escape predators. Male and female roadrunners look alike and mate for life. They also work together to incubate their nest of 3 to 5 eggs.

Roadrunners are adaptable to many kinds of environments. They have feet with 2 toes pointed forward and 2 pointed backwards revealing footprints that may have gone either way. They change their mind quickly and when they do decide, they actively go where they want. The roadrunner has a sharp awareness since their mind is always analyzing. They just seem to know how to figure things out. The curious roadrunner is always looking for new adventures and places to explore. They’re happiest when they’re actively involved in some new venture. Above all, they’re optimistic and believe in themselves.

Indigenous people considered roadrunners to be good luck as well as symbols of strength, courage, speed, and endurance. Call on their spirit when you want the freedom to go in a new direction. Visit our website for a power animal reading and to start communicating with your power animal. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Thank you and have a great day.

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