# 3 Creation Important? A Christian View of Everything

1 year ago


Richard Fangrad, CEO, Creation Ministries, April 2022

Coming up---"And now the great news--- of about the 100 ways science uses to measure the age of the earth- almost all of them support the Bible’s young earth. “The Narrative” doesn’t tell you that does it?"

Imagine picking up your brand new car from the dealer. As you are leaving the sales advisor calls out to you--

“that document in the glove box – the owner’s manual—it talks about oil changes and stuff like that- it may or may not be correct so you can treat those things as suggestions-save yourself some money”

I believe the number 1 cause of the confusion in the world today comes out of our collective loss of belief in the inerrancy of scripture. This blunts our initiative to be the salt and light to the world. We are no longer sure that our salt will actually preserve what is good.
We are no longer sure that scripture is a reliable light to our path.

And what’s the main cause of our loss in trust in scripture?

The acceptance of Evolution by the church.

The Bible has been understood for 2000 years to clearly state that Adam was created from the dust as an ancestor of Jesus.

But “The Narrative” which includes evolution began to slip quietly into the church this way: We were told that the word “day” in the genesis account could be accurately read as “age”.

In fact it sounds so good- I bought it. ‘seemed like an easy way to reconcile trustworthy science with trustworthy scripture .

I understand that almost all seminaries are teaching that today. That means our younger pastors believe that so the church will be drifting that way.

But -- not a single bible translation that I can find—not one! allows-- in a footnote-- that reading of the creation word “day”. Not one!

IN other words, what seminary professors teach as a viable option-even truth- no team of bible translators will actually put into writing.

I use the phrase “The Narrative” and state that anything that does not support the narrative- across a broad range of subjects- is highly unlikely to be published. You saw that explained in the preceding documentary about Censorship

The same tricks are used to promote evolution.

A famous digest of science was planning to publish an article about an “incredibly important missing link discovery”. But it was a fraud. They were warned well in advance of publication of that fact.

But true to the tricks of how “the narrative” promotes falsehoods, they ran the planned massive full colour multi-page spread anyway knowing that later they would print a tiny paragraph retraction- which is what they did.

You remember the famous Scopes Monkey trial that pitted evolution against creation. Yes the evolutionary theory won- but archeology now recognizes the evidence used to win it is fraudulent.

So where are you going to read of those tricks and embarrassments. “The Narrative” won’t tell you. You have to read books like this one from Creation Ministries: Evolution’s Blunders, Frauds and Forgeries.

After reading it I realized that the entire evolution narrative is like one of those scary movies where a fully clothed person turns out to be just a skeleton underneath the clothing.

But why does the age of creation matter to the church?

Simply because if I can’t trust a particular document to mean what a clear reading of it says-If I can’t trust it to tell the truth all the time --I simply don’t know for sure when it is or is not telling the truth.

This opens the door for our endless confusion within the church and within society. Scripture is really all we to tell us who Christ is and how we should live.

Am I being harsh if I suggest that only a very foolish person believes you can destroy a foundation without endangering the structure sitting on it?

Well – that is the word Jesus used. Matthew 7:26 the fool builds his house on the sand instead of on the rock ---the solid foundation of Jesus’ word.

Jesus word includes Genesis 1. Saying it is not true as plainly written and understood for 2000 years--

and as plainly translated in all present day Bibles--

is being foolish and inviting destruction when the inevitable storms of life arrive.

Well- those storms have arrived. The Bible is under attack fierce attack. It takes tremendous courage and trust in scripture to resist the rainbow community because it is part of “The Narrative”.

Everyone who resists The Narrative will suffer.

And now the great news--- of about the 100 ways science uses to measure the age of the earth- almost all of them support the Bible’s young earth. “The Narrative” doesn’t tell you that does it?

As you have seen in the preceding documentary about censorship, science can be skewed and twisted. Science does not speak. Humans with all our foibles and biases translate numbers and interpret images forcing them to fit “The Narrative”

Please listen to this presentation made at my church. It is the most concise one I know of on this topic. You will be encouraged and your faith strengthened.

You will discover that science affirms scripture and our faith.

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