Taking down the CCP a pipe dream

1 year ago

Taking down the CCP a pipe dream #overthrowtheCCP #Taiwanisland #China2025plans
Callan Chua
Been Learning how to make it in China for the past 10 years.

PRC is not like a multiparty state where some party dominate the government for a few years and another party dominates for the next few years. In the PRC, the CCP has always been part of the government of PRC since it drove KMT to Taiwan island. Power only changes hands within the CCP, not to another party. So it’s not like say you can come up with a better solution than the CCP’s governing of the PRC then the PRC’s citizens will ask you to take their place. In fact, if you actually have a better solution than the CCP, what CCP will do is to fine tune it and make their own. E.g. Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics, ring a bell? So essentially, to overthrow them, you can’t game their system because there is no elections to game.

Also, you can’t say assassinate their figure head to throw them into chaos because they will just prop up another leader without the CCP being overthrown just because their leader is dead. Being meritocratic, the next most capable will become their leader. And in case you wanna go all xenophobic and kill all CCP members to end the flow of succession, I have to let you know that their membership is over 80 million strong with a 2 million strong army to back them up. So unless you have a stronger army and has the will to mass murder over 80 million to over throw them, I suggest you find some other way.

P.S By the way, recruitment into their party is still being done even when you are killing, so you might have another few more ten millions to kill by the time you are done with the first 80million.

The reality is that to overthrow the CCP, one will have to make their citizens overthrow them for you. You need to go in as a foreign agent to incite civil unrest, you know, like to agitate a rebellion, civil war, under the guise of some supreme ideology. But there is a caveat, it actually has been tried before, but no one has been successful yet. There are 2 main reason for failure, one is the population size of 1.4 billion. For this to be successful, you will need to get over 700 million to your cause and I’m not kidding if I advise you to wait for some mass brain washing device to be invented before even trying. The second reason is again population. You might disageee with the first reason and say that you only need a small elite group of say 10% (140million and 60million more than CCP’s membership) to your cause and it will gain sufficient momentum. Unfortunately, before you are even half way there, the rest of the population will put you down and throw you out. The Chinese seriously love their stability, afterall they did go through a long period of war in recent history and things are just becoming to turn in their favor, so why would they give it up to give your ideology a chance? It would be better for you to give that mass brain washing device some serious thoughts, you will increase your chances 10 fold if you get your hands on it.

So turning the PRC citizens on the CCP seems like a herculean task. Why not let’s think about it from the other end? Why not instead we try to turn the CCP on it’s own citizens and thus they will lose that support. Maybe the PRC citizens will then overthrow the CCP on their owm accord then?

Like one can try to muscle their way through using economic power like what Trump is supposedly trying to do to stop the CCP’s Made In China 2025 plans. The problem is that the CCP knows that to stop the Made in China 2025 plans would be suicide, it would mean that their citizens cannot have a better life in the future and will turn against them. So they will not agree to do it, they will bear with the pain for awhile because it gives good returns.

So essentially, what one would need is a really good con. Not “Art of the deal” level of con, you will at least need the “Man never went to the moon and the earth is flat” level of con. What you really, definitely, absolutely need is “to spot one thing that the CCP is doing wrong and encourage them to carry on till the PRC’s citizens turns on them without them realising that they are wrong when they have 80 million members ” kind of con. Just from the amount of words you see me using to name this con, you know it’s a one in a million kind of con.

Let me know when you can think of a con like that, I will guarantee that I will not share the solution with anyone else.

Meanwhile, I recommend that you still look into the possibilities of the mass brain washing device.

Seriously dude, you need a mass brain washing device.

I’m serious.

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