Marriage Blessing, Ceremonies, Bread and Wine... Jesus explains ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber

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Meal of Bread and Wine, Baptism, Forgiveness of Sins and Marriage Blessing

THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN Volume 8 Chapter 40
Revealed by Jesus Christ thru the inner Word to Jacob Lorber

Introductory Information

The Lord currently resides in the hostel of Lazarus atop the mount of olives, together with his disciples and a few hundred people. Jesus teaches those present about many aspects of creation, spirits, and customs, and He clarifies the facets of superstition – a single revelation…

The Lord says:

1. Immediately Lazarus ordered new wine and said: “The great and exalted teaching we have now heard Your divine mouth utter must also be confirmed with a new wine, and sealed in our very hearts.”

2. Said I: “Friend and brother Lazarus, how very right you are! All that which is good and true has its complete correspondence in the bread and wine. Therefore, after you have modestly savored the bread and wine in remembrance of Me, you may rest assured that I will personally dwell among you My children, brothers and friends, in spirit, as now in the body, until the end of all times of this earth. Sure, you may not always behold Me with the eyes of your body, but even then, your heart will tell you: ‘Rejoice, for your Lord, your God and Father, is among you, and He blesses the bread and wine for you! So be joyous and cheerful in His name and remember the poor brothers and sisters, especially the poor in spirit.’

3. So, when your heart provides such a stimulation, remember and always believe that I will be personally among you, and whatever you may ask of Me, if it is good and true for the life of your soul, then I will always willingly give you what you seek, in an easily understandable way.

4. Those who greet Me with great love in their hearts will soon be able to convince themselves that I truly am among them. What I am saying and explaining here to all of you applies to all of your true and faithful followers as well. But now, hand Me the new wine, for I have become thirsty.”

5. Thereupon a fresh and excellent wine was served. I drank, and all the others drank as well, praising the wine which My will had further flavored and sweetened.

6. After having strengthened ourselves, the scribe once again asked if I was now willing to give him an answer to what he had previously asked Me.

7. But I said: “Friend, there are still more important things than the end of paganism to be discussed. Let dawn break first, so the Pharisees who are resting in the other room will depart. Then I will explain to you, in the open air, the end of the world and of paganism, from the how to the when. (see the Great Gospel of John Vol.8, Chapters 46+47)

8. For now though, as has already been said, we will talk about something else, something more important for the time being than the gloomy and distressing end of the world and of paganism. So, what do you think we should talk about first; what is it you wish or need to know and believe?”

9. Once more Peter spoke: “Lord, I have something, and if I may speak now and ask, then I indeed have a question for You!”

10. Said I: “So speak, for all of you now have the right to speak and ask.”

11. Peter said: “Lord, Moses has prescribed certain exterior means for the purification of sinners, means that are well known to every Jew. Must we make use of them as well? Do they possess any hallowing power for man, and are they absolutely necessary for the attainment of the eternal life of the soul?

12. Must even the gentiles be circumcised if they accept Your teaching, or is baptism sufficient for them? And aside from the circumcision, must the other means of purification as well be applied to the gentiles who have been converted to us?”

13. Said I: “He who is a Jew and is circumcised will always remain circumcised, but circumcision in itself is nothing and does not possess any sort of secret or particularly magical and hallowing properties for the soul.

14. Man is hallowed by nothing other than the living faith, as well as his active love for God and his fellow man.

15. However, he who has sinned against God and his fellow man must acknowledge his sins with true repentance, sincerely ask God for forgiveness, make up for the injustice he has caused, and refrain from sinning in the future. As a result, he will be fully purified, and it is self-explanatory that his sins are forgiven as well.

16. However, he who will not do as described above will continue to remain in his sins and their severe consequences, even if 10000 goats would be slaughtered and thrown into the Jordan. This and all other exterior means of purification do not improve or hallow man in the slightest; only his true and sincere conduct, according to My teaching, and the belief in his heart in the one, true God, and thus in Me, can heal him.

17. I have already told you that you must baptize all who earnestly and truthfully accept Me and My teaching, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. For this, the laying-on of hands is sufficient, and as an exterior sign of true and inner purification through God’s Spirit, a washing with clean water will do. This is fully sufficient for Jews and Gentiles.

18. Everything else has henceforth no more value in My eyes, just as an ever so long and shallow prayer of the lips has no value to Me. He who wants his prayers to be answered must enter the quiet chamber of his heart and pray to Me in full faith, then I will grant him what he asked for.

19. I tell you once more, just as I have told you so many times before: Seek only the truth in everything, for the truth is what will set you free!

20. It is very good that man keeps his body clean, according to the teaching of Moses. Through uncleanness all sorts of malicious diseases will afflict the flesh and the blood, which, in turn, beget reluctance and grief in the still weak soul. However, that which cleanses the flesh of the dirt does not cleanse the soul of its sins. The Jews indeed wash their hands, and often even their feet, before and after a meal. On the other hand, we do not do this, and yet we are still cleaner with unwashed hands than the strict Jews with always washed hands and feet.

21. And now, just to make it clear: no exterior means of purification has a hallowing effect on the inner man; only the living faith in the truth, and the love and the good works thereof have such an effect. Have you understood this now?”

22. Peter said: “So, in the future, it is not necessary for us to bless the marriages like the priests of the temple do?”

23. Said I: “Actually, you will not have to bless them at all, because the bond of matrimony is sufficiently sealed by the mutual promise in the presence of both parties’ parents or other truthful witnesses. However, in a community you will have established in My name, if there are marriages that you have recognized as good and you bless them in My name, then this will be beneficial as a confirmation of their commitment. May this only be done as a service of love based on your good will.

24. This is merely potent advice I give you here, not a law or a commandment. And as such, you must not transform into a law either, because tonight I have shown you all too clearly what kinds of negative effects forced laws can have on souls with a free will, as well as their inescapable consequences. Therefore, may everything you do be an act of true and pure love, never of a forced commandment. Only by this will My true disciples be recognized, namely that among themselves, they only practice the free law of love, loving one another, just as I love all of you.

25. On the flipside, a paid blessing of a marriage by an authoritarian and arrogant priest in or outside the temple is of no value to Me at all. I am greatly displeased by acts such as this, and whatever displeases Me is certainly in contradiction to My order as well; it is an evil and a sin that will bring no blessings to anyone. Should you have understood this now, do act accordingly. Then you will surely do well!”

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