Healy - Soul Cycle presentation

1 year ago

Official Video from Healy World: https://vimeo.com/user97237992.

▶️Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5RQdu0zOG22hTfNpm5znl2JvlIUuD8cr

🛒Healy Shop:
US: https://us.healy.shop/partner?partnername=3097-0913-8419
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💡This is Healy: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5RQdu0zOG22EBptkfrlLucmXb2L62GFU

HealySoul Cycle Program Group:
Find your way back into connectedness with everything.

Every human being possesses their own spectrum of unique frequencies. All negative influences leave small and big disharmonies in it, like mental scars! The goal of Soul Cycle’s group of programs is to bring these negative frequencies back into harmony.

Twelve Programs, Endless Benefits:
The Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF)* programs incorporated in Soul Cycle are designed to support you in finding peace within yourselves, letting go of your fears, feeling connected with everything again, feeling loved at all times and developing your full inner potential.

The Soul Cycle Program Group At a Glance:

Aura Pure
Inner Balance
Power Reserve
Energy Balance

The Expert Behind Soul Cycle
The Soul Cycle program group was created by Martina Kondritz, a certified healing practitioner with many years of experience. She is the co-founder of the professional association Gesellschaft für Bio-Elektro-Therapie e. V. (Society for Bio-Electro Therapy) and a lecturer at the TimeWaver Academy in the field of TimeWaver Frequency.

Her approach is based on a deep knowledge of the use of frequencies to support personal integration, and restore a sense of connectedness with self and nature.

Approach Every Day With Greater Ease, Balance & Calm

▬▬ Healy description ▬▬
☯️Healy is a mobile microcurrent and frequency device for self-treatment. It's very easy to use, with a lot of variability.

Regardless if you have pain, stress, burnout or other symptoms or illness, Healy has suitable frequencies and programs for everything. With special individualized microcurrent frequencies, Healy supports and harmonises your body on a deep, cellular level, by recovering the natural and healthy cell voltage levels.

Additionally, Healy harmonises your bioenergetic field and hence offers an advanced and holistic way, to bring your whole body-system back into its optimal and natural balance.

(Bioenergetic field: The flow of life energy connecting body, mind and soul, traditionally known as Chi (or Qi) and Prana.
In scientific terms: An information flow on the quantum level.)

☯️The heart of Healy is its quantum sensor, which measures in real-time, when and how long do you need which frequency. Because every human is unique, Healy adopts precisely to you and what your body, mind and soul need at the moment.

(Quantum sensor: Based on a physical noise generator, it uses special algorithms to filter information patterns from noise signals.)

☯️Healy uses microcurrents on different areas of your body to relieve and manage pain. It even relieves muscle strains and soreness from exercise or work around the house.
Microcurrent treatment has been used by physical therapists for decades to reduce pain and relieve muscle tension.

▬▬ Positive effects of microcurrent ▬▬
✅Increased ATP production up to 500 %
✅Increased protein synthesis up to 70%
✅Increased Increased amino acid transport
up to 40%
✅Microcurrent has antioxidative effects

➞ ATP (adenosine triphosphate) stores energy in the cells, similar to gasoline in a car's gas tank. ATP is produced in the cell by the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the ATP-producing "power plants" in each cell of the body.

➞ Protein synthesis is the process by which proteins are formed to build cells. It means creating physical life, following the central blueprint stored as DNA in each of our cells.

➞ Amino acids are the building blocks for protein synthesis.

▬▬ Notice ▬▬
Healy is a microcurrent medical device that has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration only for local relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies (IMF) to harmonize your bioenergetic field. Always use your Healy in accordance with its instructions for use.

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