27 11 2022 - Melbourne - Part 2 of 4

1 year ago

Dynamic Drummers increase in number and start their Rhythmic Sounds.

Criminals talk to other small groups of people to see if they would leave also.

Criminals On Patrol start their first of multiple weird unexplainable walks up and down the steps to where the Dynamic Drummers are but.
The Criminals do not make sense to me.

The number of Criminals increase in number again to 14 for 6 people at treason house.

Other groups of people leave after the Evil Criminals spoke to them about something.

One Criminal tries to entice / get one of the Dynamic Drummers to get everyone to leave.

Criminals continually go to this one Dynamic Drummer expecting this Dynamic Drummer to be the spokes person who will speak to everyone else to do what the illegitimate treasonous evil foreign hired mercenaries Criminals want them to do.
Nobody understands the Criminals On Patrol.

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