🇳🇿 Parents Fight For Freedom to Choose Unvaccinated Blood for Operation

1 year ago

🇳🇿 Parents Fight For Freedom to Choose Unvaccinated Blood for Operation

The story of Will, a 4 month-old baby whose parents want to ensure he receives Covid vaccine free blood, has gone viral. CPN spoke with sources at NZDSOS:

"If this case can break open the dam of opposition to us as Kiwis having free choice on jabbed or unjabbed blood, then that is a real gash in the government's tyrannical hold over NZ," one source said.

"Sharing and demanding mainstream media cover it, are what are crucial to this being successful," CPN was told.

"The parents are great good people - mum is a midwife mandated out of her job as unvaxxed," said another source.

"Sue Grey is the lawyer - she did a radio interview this morning. She did such a good job. The interviewer unfortunately so biased and trusting of our 'experts,'" the source continued.

But the campaign is a success. "They [MSM} are reporting it and it’s a BIG discussion," was the conclusion.

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