Daily Energy Oracle Reading December 2, 2022 🍂

2 years ago

12/2 Daily Energy Oracle Reading! Archangel Sammael~ Choose harmonious responses. Act with wisdom and grace.~
If your soul wishes you to progress on your ascension path through the schools run on the inner planes by Seraphim Seraphina, you must first apply to Archangel Metatron. As soon as permission is granted, Sammael will connect with you. He prepares you for this higher intergalactic work by presenting you with challenges to your ego. He is sometimes known as the Angel of Death, for as well as breaking down all the blocks created by your ego. He orchestrates those stubborn trials that keep appearing in your life.
Drawing this card suggests that you are on a fast track to ascension, for Archangel Sammael is preparing you to move forward. Your guidance is to examine your motivations and your ego in all areas of your life. Be honest. Let go of your belief you are right or your desire to be right! If you have thought that you are better or more spiritual than another, cancel it.
Choose a gentle and harmonious response to a person or situation. You are called to use your wisdom and act with grace at all times. The way to work with Archangel Sammael is to recognize that while you are a magnificent spiritual being, you are also a small cog in the vastness of the cosmos. Remember that death to your ego is life to your spirit.
Affirmation: “I choose to act with wisdom and grace. I remind myself and others that death to their ego is life to spirit.” 🤍👁️🧘🏼‍♀️🕊️🌎 #archangel #higherlearning #wisdom #higherself #higherfrequency #vibration #archangelmetatron #humbleyourself #spiritualgrowth

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