The Narrow and Wide Gate Matthew 7

2 years ago

Matthew 7:13-14.

Although many people like to see God as a broad-minded God, the truth, according to Scripture is that He is a narrow-minded God. Yes, He may be, and He is, broad in love and forgiveness, mercy, and grace, but very narrow when it comes to His Word - precept upon precept. Unfortunately, this is not the God that people want to serve but, rather, a seeker-friendly type of God who "Enculturates" Himself, and adapts Himself to the mode of the day. In other words, people see God as a sort of "Homey" "Dude" who is seeking friends. We forget, that the God of the Bible, the creator of the world is a Holy, Holy, Holy God. (Isaiah 6:3; Revelation 4:8); such a Holy God is He that He came to earth in the form of a Servant (Philippians 2) to die for the sins - the unholiness, the wickedness, and evils of all men so that, whosoever would believe in Him, whosoever would see themselves for who they really are - wretched sinners desperately in need of Salvation - would receive salvation and the right to be reconciled back to God. "FOR THE GATE IS NARROW AND THE WAY IS HARD THAT LEADS TO LIFE, AND THOSE WHO FIND IT ARE FEW." (Matthew 7:14).

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