DREAMUSIK - 6 Hours w/ Black Screen (16 min.in) after my little AI Art intro video. Lucid Dreamusic

1 year ago

hello & barev! my name is Kat Darmand & thank you for taking a minute to read my monologue!
please subscribe if you believe in magic...
but seriously, it would really mean a lot if you could subscribe to my channel. i really hope you do, i'm just a little sweet potato / kartoshka, i love you and thank you for the support! muawww.
Kartoshka Dee
#kartoshka dreams

extra comedy skit & important info bit...
so,...as we all know, the word for where you KISS someone is...PG PLEASE...drumroll...on the cheek! right, you kiss someone on their little sweet cheek when you first meet them (well, it is for armos and italians at least...) ANYWAYS, the word for cheek, we have established we know and can agree upon the fact that the words cheek and kiss make sense together.
BUT!,...did you know!!! that the armenian word for KISS is PA-CHEEK...so let's do some word math and science word fusion...cheek=kiss! awww.
Cheek 2 PaCheek ... like ... heaven, i'm in heaven, i'm in heaven so that i can hardly speak, and i seem to find the happiness i seek......
when we're out together dancing cheek to pacheek...
if that were live, i would make you smile...i would perform the explanation part in a sweet hypnotic voice then sing the last part like a lullaby...and it would fade out with the NBC sound for The More You Know...WOW. i mean...

last item of business,
i love making content & i want to do this full time but it does not pay the potato bills at all so if you believe in magical kartoskhkas' please (pretty please with sugar on top) please subrcribe, like & comment & if you're a Hot Kartoshka or a DAK Potato, please consider sponsoring my next video which you can do on Patreon...& if you guys subscribe & show me some love & join my monthly membership you will be a KGB Club potato member & that way, hopefully, this American Armenian Kartoshka won't have to turn to the dark life of a French Fry Potato!!!
as my hero & superman says "that's a good joke right there, i don't care who you are!"
i'm here all week folks!
also, another fun word mashup is my brothers used to call me Katriyan growing up & still sometimes now and that rhymes with Patreon...so......Now you can support Katriyan on Patreon!!! good one right??? hehe, right?? clearing my throat...is this thing on? yikes. (...crickets from you...).
oh well, as like most of my humor, it was funny in my head...come on, not even a chuckle! tough sleepy crowd.
contact me if you would like to work together or be potato allies. thanks in advance...shat love & merci.
now, go to sleep you little weird stinky nerd goober. haha, goober. in your face! LOL!...IN THE FACE! remember?...from the movie the hangover...when the chubby little kid shoots the taser at Jack Galafanakis (i dunno if that's spelled correctly but there's no time to check, you're almost in dream land!)...when the kid shoots him with the taser and that funny cop dude yells out IN THE FACE!!! and the entire class erupts laughing!...meanwhile, Jack G & Bradley Cooper are foaming at the mouth because of the child-laser attacks! oh man, good times am i right? comedy gold i tell ya.
go to sleep. ok, bye.
also, if you read all this and you don't subscribe then i worry for you. and myself quite frankly. ok that's the last one! i love you, goodnight!!!
=0)~ (vintage cute smiley face with a little tongue out mocking you). now go to sleep before i mock(taunt) you a second time! i know u laughed.

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