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2020Liberty is mixologist for a while pondering the Avalanche of news stories spewing/|\

2 years ago

Next man up as 2020Liberty pours at happy hours and the storm arrives.

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  • 0/2000
  • 12/02/2022 HOUR #1 Avalanche – there are so many news stories breaking we had to listen to Abbey Cooks’ Avalanche wondering where PATRIOTski is White Shoes large law firms obtain PPL forgiveness and net $809,000,000 from Covid19 for the fraudster firms – SPATS – Nonrecourse loans reminders form the Savings and Loans crisis Hillary and the Cattles future scam – Broker assigned Hillary winning trades and maxed out Bill Clinton donors were assigned losses so prohibited political donations were made plus a donor receives a tax loss to write off other investment gains SCAM Income tax makes us slaves – Income tax rate began at 7% - WWI 3 year later upped it to 70% and by the end of the war the income tax rate was 77% SS tax began at 2% for the first $3000 – Employee paid $30 a year or $2.50/ month now the rate is 15.3% up to $147,000 or $22,491 per year with no cap on Medicare Wokeism is a virtue signaling of evil doers – so says Levi’s executive Derek Johnson “Right Beer Right Now” brings in happy hour Biden State Dinner with Macron faux pas - Do not hold your wine glass by the goblet – hold the stem of the glass – lay off the lipstick Covid19 is no longer a disease of the unvaccinated – what percentage of vaccine efficacy is a redundancy to vaccinated/boosted patients having been knowingly/or unknowingly previous infected and had wild immunity – what about vaccine adverse events aka injuries and deaths Cutter incident – shedding – 1955 Dr. Alton Oschner Salk polio vaccinated grandchildren - granddaughter became paralyzed and grandson died 10 days later – Saban ‘saved’ the day with sugar cube and SV40 Our body are miracles – how do we see? – how does a skinned knee heal? – most health care is violence to the body and then we wait for the body to heal itself Revisiting The Drudge Report for old time’s sake – 190-year-old tortoise – iguanas taste like chicken – Spencer the tortoise made me feel old twice Tony Heller – disses Al Gore Branson “How do you spell profit?”

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