The Iron Will Weekly News Report | December 2, 2022

2 years ago

In this week’s Iron Will Report…

POEC: government made up threats
POEC: Trudeau lied about tow trucks
POEC: Did the government consider bringing in the military?
#TrudeauMustGo: A list of lies
Yet more guns banned
Canada leads world in Medical Assistance in Dying

And in the member’s report…

B.C. vs Alberta: Tyranny vs Freedom
Quebec demonstrators win $3 million settlement
Independent schools growing rapidly across Canada
Parent’s group fires woke board members
PCR test coming back – for the flu
Trudeau embarrases Canada yet again
Satanist drag queens in our schools
Gender fluid teddy bears
The NHL goes woke
Ryerson seeks prof who identifies as black
Disney loses $100 mil on Strange World
James Woods flames Alyssa Milano

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